Sharing online information with others has definitely become an inalienable part of the Internet users’ routine. Because the Internet connects people so quickly and storage is often free, it’s ideal for sharing Email, photos and blog posts with family and friends. Online sharing allows you to take a photo one minute in California, and let your sister or grandchild see it the next minute in New York.
Many online services have sharing controls. They let you choose how much or how little information you share online, and with whom. Since all services have different sharing controls and different security settings, it’s important to understand the secure sharing controls for the service that you’re using before you post any personal information with that service online. Learning how to setup these controls means that your personal information and photos are only visible to people you’d like to share them with, like your friends and family.

For example, if you use AARP’s photo sharing service, you can use sharing controls to manage who you share your photos with. Say, you went to a family reunion and you only want to share your photos with your friends and family. How do you do this? Well, every time you add a photo, you’ll be asked to select who you’d like to share that photo with. You can choose to make the photo public, which means that anyone can see your photo. If you choose private, only you can see that photo. Or you can choose to share your photo with your friends, which means only your circle of AARP online community friends can view your photo.
You can change this security setting at any time. If, for example, you select ‘friends only’ for your family reunion photos, but later decide that you wanna change it to ‘private’, simply click on that photo and locate the photo details box on the right-hand side. Then use the dropdown menu to modify the privacy level.