Computer security is like a complex equation with lots of variables, and yet it’s a heck of an enticing puzzle to keep solving over and over. The prevailing trend in malware evolution has been all about continuous growth at a stunning rate. According to AV-Test.org stats, while there were around 200,000 unique samples detected globally in 2003, this number amounts to over 100 million in 2013, and counting. Furthermore, in 2012 the world witnessed the onset of more than 30 million new infections, which shows a steady pattern that is very inherent to the computer domain of today. Given the growth of cybercrime and continuously refining techniques utilized by the bad guys, we deem it more than appropriate to stay on top of PC security matters and give e-crime a decent response.
We at Privacy PC are a team of enthusiasts with profound understanding of online privacy, malware protection, security vulnerabilities, hacking countermeasures and more areas related to the global threatscape. Having started our research back in 2003, we came up with the idea of creating a single resource for enforcing security awareness, addressing the concept of secure Internet, and bringing up hot issues of safe computing in a variety of its forms.
Our project covers relevant subjects raised by prominent experts in the industry, including Mikko Hypponen, Bruce Schneier, Moxie Marlinspike, Eugene Kaspersky, Brian Krebs and others, at security seminars and conferences such as Defcon, DeepSec, Black Hat, InfoSec, etc. This allowed us to create a unique and extensive knowledge base on malware research methodology, evolution of computer viruses, hacking tricks, cyber warfare, social engineering, and emerging trends in the security realm.
We at Privacy PC also provide in-depth expert reviews of the best security and privacy software from renowned vendors, which is of critical importance for safe everyday web-surfing and computer use overall.