6 Vital Password Safety Tips

6 Vital Password Safety Tips

Isn’t it annoying when websites have strict requirements on passwords? “Password too short”, “please use special symbols”, “please use uppercase letters”… All of this just makes it much more difficult to remember your password!

Well, those requirements are there for a reason, not just to make the whole process as complicated for you as possible. The truth is, hackers are as active as ever, and they have many methods for getting into your accounts. If you want your accounts to be safe, you need to follow certain password safety tips. 

In this article, you’ll learn 6 simple but vital password security tips that will completely up your cybersecurity game!

1. Avoid simple passwords

Not so shockingly, the top three passwords (according to the dark web) are “123456”, “password”, and “12345678”. So no, by adding the extra “7” and “8” to your “123456”, you’re not making it any more secure.

Hackers know how naive users are when it comes to passwords, which is why they love playing the guessing game. They have programs that allow them to guess loads of different passwords super quickly, and they’re often successful. Especially if the password contains only one simple word. To make sure your password isn’t among the ones that hackers like to try out, create passwords that are as complicated as possible.Avoid simple passwords

2. Use lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols

It might be a matter of minutes or even seconds to crack your password if it’s just a single word without any numbers or symbols. Complicated passwords, on the other hand, can take years or even longer to crack.

Remember that a complicated password doesn’t just mean a long one. To make sure that a hacker can’t guess your password, use every single type of character. This means using lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

3. Never reuse passwords

You might think that creating one complex password and using it for several accounts is completely fine. Well, that’s actually not the case. If you use the same password for your bank account, social media account, Netflix subscription, and other random accounts, you put yourself in a very vulnerable place.

A hacker would only need to hack one of your accounts (they’d go for the least secure one) to gain access to all of them. So it’s best to use different passwords for all of your accounts to make sure the security of one account isn’t tied to the security of another.

4. Routinely change your passwords

Public wifi, viruses, worms, spyware, and keylogger malware are just a few ways your passwords can get hacked. The scary part is that you usually have no idea what’s happening. 

A hacker might already know all of your passwords, and they might just be waiting for the best moment to attack. Or, they might already be on the brink of guessing it. So be sure to change your passwords every few months, regardless of how complicated they are.

5. Use a password generator

Following all four tips mentioned above can be difficult and tiresome. Who has the time to think of different and complicated passwords over and over again? Well, a password generator can easily solve this.

With a password generator, you select the type and difficulty of the password, and then it’s automatically created. Pretty cool, right? Well, don’t stop there! Combine your password generator with a password manager. A password manager can store all of your generated passwords in an encrypted virtual vault.

6. Set up two-factor autentification

Two-factor authentication makes it much more difficult for hackers to access your accounts. It’s just like the disappointment a robber would feel when they put in loads of time and effort into picking a lock, only to discover there’s a second door behind the first.

Add an extra door to your account by connecting your phone or email. It’s pretty tough for a hacker to get around two-factor authentication, so they’ll likely move on to more vulnerable prey and leave your account alone.


It’s not that difficult to keep your passwords safe. Sure, it may seem like a lot of steps at first, but a password generator and password manager can pretty much combine all password security steps into one.

The most important thing is to never forget about the dangers of the internet when it comes to hacking. Each of us can easily be targeted by hackers at any moment. By preparing correctly and using the right tools, you can rest easy knowing that your passwords are nearly uncrackable. 


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